Thursday, 1 November 2007

This doesn't look like a Milky Way!

Today I ate an (English) "Milky Way" candy bar from the office's post-Halloween stash. To my surprise, when I took a bite and looked inside, it looked like a "Three Muskateers". The taste, however, was distinctly Milky Way. I immediately thought, "Ah-ha, another English-American difference." (See:, 22 SEP 07 post)

The cool thing about the wrapper is that the Allergy Disclaimer and the "Not for Individual Resale" warning (like there's a small enough monetary denomination to pay for THAT little piece of sh . . . , er, I mean, candy!?!) come in Polish, Serb, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, and of course, English-- only in Europe . . .

So I guess this is kinda fun for an initial foray (into this Blogging stuff), but I'm just warming up-- there are some other things that swirl around in my head form time-to-time.

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