Saturday, 23 October 2010

How People Categorize Themselves

This is one I've been intending to explore for quite some time now- the draft was dated 28 FEB 2008!

It's not a new topic or anything. And I've been told about at least one study on the topic. Of course, I will od my best to bring a fresh, new perspective to the table.

The questions is: how do you subconsciously "label" or tag yourself? The follow-up questions are a) how you rank those characteristics, and b) whether you arrived at the characteristics and rankings based upon how others see you or how you see yourself (or some of both??). Another interesting question is whether you change your rankings depending on who you're speaking to.

For example, would Sarah (sp?) Palin use any of the following adjectives to describe herself: former AK Governor, hockey mom, Idaho-ian(?), woman, former US VP candidate, married, white, maverick(y), Republican, Alaskan, Tea Party-ier, bulldog with lipstick (her own words), conservative, fashionable, (norte) American, etc.

Assuming most of these are legit adjectives Ms. Palin would use to describe herself, question #1 is how she'd order those in importance. My point is that a person who sees themselves as Conservative, Republican, Tea-partier, American, former AK Governor, white, mom, woman, etc. would have a different belief set than if the ranking were woman, mom, N. American, former AK Gov, conservative, T-Partier (no, that's not a French word), etc. However, this is the same person. How do we arrive at our labels, but more importantly, our self-rankings?

Get my point? We'll have to come back and revist this one, as it could get lengthy.

Next up, Michelle Obama.

hasta pronto

2009 in Review, pt. 2- Charles

The biggest event for me in 2009- yes, that's almost a year away now- actually happened in early 2009. My worst and lifetime-lasting memory of that year will be the death of my dear friend Charles. This should have gone at the top of my list, and I'll leave it at that.

And as promised almost a year ago, my first pix on your favorie blog (o.k., so it's really only a link to fotos . . . .)

R.I.P. Charles. We miss you.