Thursday, 17 September 2009

JC is Correct

So I completely blew my New Year's Resolution to drop science more consistently with this blog stuff. The bright side is it probably served to do nada but allow the anticipation to build even more.

First current topic: no, not JZ and the country singer who he just made famous, but Jimmy C and his view that Rep Wilson's outburst during the President's healthcare address was motivated or caused by racism, or something like that.

I think many people missed the point and took Prez Carter to be saying that Rep Wilson IS a racist. As Wilson's AG son said, I wouldn't go so far as to call Wilson a racist. I mean he doesn't laugh at "stupid" (I believe that was the word AG used) jokes. He probably even has a black friend.

But really, what I think JC meant is that Rep wilson wouldn't have pulled such a stunt- regardless of whether it was due to a lack of self control, as asserted by the SC Dem Party Chair- had the man speaking been white. Even if it was Joe Biden, or a male Nancy Pelosi, I gaurantee you he wouldn't have shouted out. Could you imagine if a Democratic rep had shouted "You lie" to W?!? He probably would have been shot on the scene. And Bush actually did lie about a few things- ok, we'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he made a few poor asessments(sp?). But you still don't yell at the President, no matter how much you disagree, or . . . . can't stand to see someone from the other party, who just happens to also belong to a group that is not supposed to achieve much except in sports, entertainment and incarceration, runnin' the show. I'm not saying that Wilson-or all of the others who speak, display messages, or think violently about the President- actively hate blacks or other minorities. Something just doesn't quite sit right about having someone of a darker hue "running the country," even though you'd imagine they know the Prez doesn't actually RUN the US. He's just the most visible symbol of the count . . . .

Oh, wait, now I get it! You mean there's a nigger who's the symbol of my great country?!? I knew there was something making me uncomfortable; I just cant' quite put my finger on it. "I don't hate him, because, I'm not a racist. I just don't trust him." But it does just make me want to scream; because it's ok to scream at someone you don't truly respect, even though they're more educated, accomplished, and bright than you, not to mention the leader of your nation, whether you like/agree with that individual or not.

If you disrespect the office, you're basically dissin' your country.

Monday, 26 January 2009

So It's Confirmed, There is no God

I'll keep this one brief, but on Sunday, 25 JAN, one of my dearest friends of almost 20 years, died in an auto accident on a South African motorway. Charles was one of the most generous, funny, fun loving and interesting people you'll meet. And now he is gone, his whole life and family no longer ahead of him.

To all who say there is some reason, or it's part of some grand plan, I say that's pura mierda y paja. If someone, some thing, spirit, diety, force, ideal, demigod, or however you view such things had this as part of their "plan," I do not want to and cannot be a part of that.

And if any of you knew Charles, you're bound to feel the same way.

Charles, we miss you badly.

(Even though I will never forget Charles, I may have to post a picture with this one.)

Saturday, 17 January 2009

New Year's Resolution

To post more of my insightful and sometimes profound (and sometimes not) thoughts for my massive, loyal audience.

Apologies for my absence, but now I plan to be back, and more regularly at that- all starting today!

My boy, O-boogie (thanks Greg P)

There was some loose discussion about Obama on the way home form school last week, which quickly prompted the following dialogue

O: Daddy, is Obama the President of the whole world?

Dad: No, there is no POT(W)W.

O: Is he the President of England?

Dad: No, he’s just the PEOTUS


Then there was this gem one morning while making desayuno before school- Governments of the world take note, you may have something to learn here.

O: Meena, do you wish a shark would eat Junior (a.k.a. your 4th grade semi-tormentor)?

I guess the horse is already out of the barn, but the more I think about it, the more I wonder about putting such potentially diabolical assassination techniques into general circulation. I’m sure the CIA is reading.

Just think about how flawless, the tool. I mean, how are they ever going to figure out WHICH shark “offed” someone. Or even if they DO find the perpetrator, chances are that the evidence is at the bottom of the ocean somewhere (do sharks drop sinkers or floaters??). Even better, I would argue a shark’s appearing out of nowhere to eat someone as, say, they waited for the bus, would be every bit as surprising as a sniper's bullet fired from who-knows-where. And who’s going to stand up to a shark when he/she shows up to eat someone?? I’m not stepping in front of that . . . . bullet(?). But even if bodyguards, etc do try to intervene, chances are that the shark will just eat them, too. This is especially likely if you happen to have a 20 footer or so at your disposal.

I don’t think it’s so much of a threat now, but with techniques like these (and at such a young age), I picture a more twisted world if my boy ever ends up in a position of power.