Thursday, 28 February 2008

I'm baaaa-aaack!

Apologies for my long absence-- I didn't want to slow down the web too much over the holiday season w/ all the traffic generated by those coming to see my site and whatnot . . .

Anyway, there've been more thoughts and theories swimming through my head, and I thought I needed to put them down and see what my "illions" (synonomous with "grip") of readers think. Here's a preview of some things to come: How People Categorize Themselves, cont'd; The Democratic Nomination (and Candidates); The Superbowl With NO Commercials!?; and lots of other stuff- no pun intended.

To kick things off, let's look at our phrases of the week:
"Abuse of Power" and "Above the Law"

If you would like to see an example, just follow this link:

More to follow

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